Park view 96 of 100 extended

Park View is a mixed comprehensive school for children in Year Groups 7 to 11 (standard age range is 11 to 16 years)

Allocation of student places at Park View School is handled by the Haringey Local Authority in line with the Council Admissions Policy.

Most of our children transfer from primary school at 11 years of age. However, some children do join the school mid-year and at later points during their secondary school education. When children are allocated a place at the school we liaise directly with the family to find out more details about the child(ren) joining the school and set things up for a smooth start.

If you live in Haringey, you must apply through Haringey website under secondary school admissions, click here to access the Haringey website to apply for Park View.

Please follow the links below for more information about Park View School:

Virtual Taster Day

What Makes Us Park View?